Beaches, public toilets, swimming pools – all of this place, where it is easy to be infected with onychomycosis. Also, nail fungus can develop, if you do not comply
hygiene, wearing uncomfortable or dirty shoes. In this phase of the development of medicine, there are tools that can help you deal effectively with the disease, but the treatment process is long and complex.
Classification of onychomycosis
The type of nail fungus may depend on the tactics, the length and the complexity of its future treatment. It is therefore important to determine which development option is observed in this case. There are several classifications of onychomycosis. The most popular are two of them, which better reflect all the details defeat nail fungus.
Classification scientists national:
- Normotroficheskie form of onychomycosis. Change the color of the nail plate, appear as longitudinal stripes and spots, found primarily in the lateral (closest to the cuticle part of the nail. The thickness and the density of the nail into this shape does not change.
- The hypertrophic form. The nail plate thickens because of hyperkeratosis. When he disappears, a healthy shine to the nail plate, which becomes irregular, often, can be crumbled or on the sides.
- Animalisticheskaya form. There are some alterations atrophic nail, starting with a distal margin, appear to be areas of detachment, which first appear as white areas. The nail plate color becomes pale, gray.

The classification proposed N. Zaias in 1972:
- Subungual Distal form. The changes are to the tip of the nail, he thins, flakes, crumbles, one can observe a growth and thickening (it grows like a wave). The color of the nail becomes yellow, white, or gray.
- The shape of the surface. Expressed changes in form of appearance of white spots and stripes, which increase gradually, they are changing the structure and become more of a dark and.
- Subungual Proximal form. Beginning about the back nail cushion, and extends in a direction proximal to the cuticle.
- Total degenerative form. The whole nail becomes a structure that is wrong, thickens, changes its color, it is destroyed.
Externally onychomycosis in the early stages of easy to take for the usual injury of the nail or a manifestation of beri-beri.
The treatment of nail fungus

To begin with, it is worth to understand if the nail fungus is a disease that does not care of himself, even if to eliminate harmful factors. For the treatment of nail fungus often use an integrated therapy. The basic therapeutic actions are antifungal funds. Depending on the degree of damage to the nail plate and the form of the disease, it can be selected different tactics of treatment:
- Therapy local. Acceptable only in the early stages of the disease. When drugs are used the surface in the form of ointments, creams, enamel for nails.
- The therapy system. It is required the most serious injury, when the onychomycosis affected more than half of the nail. In this case, come into play, in addition to local funds, and the drugs, which are accepted within.
Hard to choose a best remedy against the nail fungus, therefore they need a common approach. Please note that the complexity of the treatment considered and some measures for health. In particular, if the diagnosis of onychomycosis is necessary disinfection, processing shoes, socks, gloves and clothing, in contact with the affected area lunch, the accurate machining of towels for personal hygiene. These shares are held in the appropriate disinfectants.
Systemic treatment: tablets

Treatment preformed transport system call, since the substance enters the body, it is absorbed in the blood and with the current arrive at the place of action, accumulate in high current concentrations. Approach is more justified, as it allows to prevent complications of the disease and providing comprehensive care "to all parties". The system of the funds observe a number of contraindications and limitations for use. For example, they should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, before their use requires a mandatory consultation with a specialist.
Local therapy: ointment
Local treatment onychomycosis is extremely effective, as the fungus still prefer to stay long on the surface. But only in the most initial stages of the disease. A valuable advantage of local drugs is that once they work directly on the site defeat without circulation throughout the body. Then there are the possible side effects of such funds are reduced to a minimum. Besides the antifungal component, and the ointment is an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory corticosteroids item. Relieves the local itching and irritation. All ointment should be applied on clean and dry skin, not only at the point of damage, but and around, taking healthy areas. Treatment ointments is carried out within 2-8 weeks depending on the activity of the drug, the area and the recommendations of the doctor. The structure of the cream is not able to penetrate the deeper layers of the nail and the skin, so to apply efficiently, it is necessary to prepare the damaged area. The nail plate should be the maximum cut (as well as the nail to flake and crumble, it's easy to do and does not hurt). The cream is applied directly to the skin cushion under the nail and on the damaged tissue around.
Local therapy: antifungal nail Polish

Medicinal anti-fungal nail Polish are other an indispensable tool for the local application. Of course, lacquer is it worth to use along with creams or ointments. In the first place, it is necessary to know the opinion of his treating physician. Different tools can be different ways of application, of which it is worth to inquire with the doctor or in the instructions for use. Often the enamel is applied 1-2 times daily on cleansed nail. Continue the treatment for at least 2 weeks.
The treatment of the severe forms-of onychomycosis
In severe cases of onychomycosis, it is necessary an integrated approach to therapy. When the doctor collects the best combinations of drugs for local action and system funds. This approach has a lot of I learned a lot from this
- Reduces the duration of treatment (for example, instead of 18 months during the treatment of onychomycosis stop griseofulvin – only up to a year of integrated therapy).
- Reduces the risk of adverse reactions on the part of the body (through the use of low doses of drugs, and redistribution of local and system funds, in need of a drink inside).
- It greatly reduces the possibility of the development of recurrence of the disease.
- The possibility of influencing not only the fungus that "on the surface", but perhaps the infection could spread into the other tissues of the body.

For the selection of an integrated treatment is necessary to carefully examine the medical history of the disease and collect all the information about the pathogen. Then the doctor will be able to collect the most effective in this case, the drugs, which will have an immediate positive effect.
Tools for removal painless hit the nail
In the modern world, when it is difficult to find the time to get to the doctor's office, people are used to use the methods for self-medication. One of them has become a painless way to relieve the affected by a nail fungus. It is worth to understand if this is not the same as the treatment of nail fungus. Rather, it is a variant temporary installation of the treatment and alternative operative intervention. To the base formulations of these drugs are propylene glycol, urea, and various acids and oil. Such a complex of substances is having a series of actions:
- anti-inflammatory, analgesic and reduce swelling;
- softening the effect on the nail, and thus contribute to its detachment;
- proteoliticescoe action;
- an antiseptic effect.
After that the nail that is diseased is removed, it is necessary to use a cream to accelerate the growth of a new nail plate. It disinfects open the fabric and creates the conditions favorable for the growth of a new nail. Note, if you suddenly feel uncomfortable in a place applying the cream, burning, pain, or itching, you should immediately turn off the wrap, wash the application site. In case of discomfort, burning sensation or itching in the treatment field immediately remove the patch, wash with soap and water and consult a specialist.
The treatment of onychomycosis in children

The treatment of any disease, including onychomycosis in children should be performed under strict medical control. The body of a child has its own characteristics, which restricts the use of some tools. For example, the body of the child is not yet fully formed, a strong immune system. A child up to a certain age continue the growth and development of almost all organs and systems. Given the high toxicity of many antifungal of funds, their application in children is limited. For the treatment of onychomycosis in children is sometimes prescribed for local use. From one side, are more secure, because they do not have a system of action, but with a other – may cause allergic reactions, for which many children are prone. Therefore, the appointment of antifungal drugs should be a physician who is familiar with the history of the allergenic child.
Effective ways for the treatment of onychomycosis of folk medicine
Remedies for home self-medication hardly help you to fully cure the disease. However, they are able to remove some of the nasty symptoms itching, burning, pain, swelling, redness. In addition, they can become another link of an integrated approach to the treatment of nail fungus. Folk remedies – this is the most economical way for the treatment and recovery during and after illness. In the ranking of the most effective, tested popular methods of treatment of onychomycosis are the following ways:
- hydrogen peroxide;
- the vinegar;
- iodine;
- tea tree oil;
- various essential oils.

All of these methods are controlled in time and a lot of people. Additionally, their effectiveness can be easily explained from the medical point of view. Most of the drugs of modern medicine they contain in their composition of these components. Then, surely, folk remedies, have the right to exist.
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide has a strong antibacterial action. You can find it in a pharmacy in almost every family. And buy in a pharmacy, its easy, because it is sold without a prescription. For the treatment of onychomycosis hydrogen peroxide is used as a compress on the affected area the feet or hands. First, you need to rinse the area with water and soap under the hot water, steam, nails with the addition of soap or sodium bicarbonate. Dry with care the plot, for he did not remain liquid. The more forward you place hygienic nail care – cut and as short as possible, saws, nail file. Wool and bandages preparing cotton gauze strip that you wet with the hydrogen peroxide. Base wrap apply to the affected area, and secure with several layers of cheesecloth, knotted (not to force the flow of blood). From the top, wrapped with transparent film. This pack has held 30 minutes, after which you must remove and rinse with warm water sick of the police. This procedure is performed step by step, each day prior to the onset of the effect.
Iodine and

The situation with iodine is about the same as and with hydrogen peroxide. There are in practically every home, and in the case that it can be expensive to buy in a pharmacy. Iodine has a fungicidal property, while it inhibited the growth and reproduction of the fungus, die cells. The skin and nails of a person acts, eliminating the inflammation and the itching. Before performing the procedure, thoroughly rinse phase to give soap, to treat, a cosmetic way, and wipe dry with a dry cloth. It is also necessary to prepare a container with a solution of sodium bicarbonate. After that you can apply iodine on the nails, cuticles and the skin between the fingers. Then soak your feet in a solution of sodium bicarbonate for 30 minutes.
This method there are some contraindications and side effects:
- Can occur idiosyncrasy to iodine.
- The presence of thyroid disease requires a consultation with a specialist prior to performing the procedure.
- Possible local irritation, the pain.
Essential oils
There are some scientific evidence that essential oils effectively to grips with fungal infections. In particular, the essential oil of cinnamon can be used against onychomycosis. The cinnamon is able to adjust the content of sugar in the blood – home "food" mushrooms. The preparation before the application of cinnamon essential oil similar like this: steam leg, cure the nails with scissors and emery board for nails to dry. Cinnamon oil is necessary to spread on the nails and rub it in the area of the cuticle immediately after. This stuff works, the nails must be still in the steam.
Fundamentals of prevention of onychomycosis

For the fungus has not touched you and your family, it is necessary to observe simple rules of hygiene and the rules of usage of public spaces:
- It is necessary to make a careful hygiene of your feet every day: wash with soap and water, wipe clean. Once a week you need to cut your nails and manage your cuticles.
- Shoes should be comfortable, do not push, do not rub. The feet should not sweat. If this is the case, choose shoes with natural materials.
- Trying on shoes in the stores, you must make sure to use the disposable a bargain.
- When you are in public places – baths, swimming pools, hotels, beaches – do not walk barefoot. Lists will have enough protection for your feet.
- After attending public places must wash the feet with soap and water.
- Come with the mind to the selection of masters of manicure and pedicure. All materials and tools must be managed and disinfect before each visitor. Better to use personal funds or disposable materials.
- You need to use a good emollient cream for the feet, not crepe, and burrs.
The respect of these simple rules will help you to not contract the nail fungus. And in the case of the disease is not spread to other people, and in a hurry to heal.